11 Places to Find Inspiration for Your Marketing
Sep 19, 2024
When you have a website or social media accounts, you must keep them fresh by consistently adding new content. You know you should be creating videos, writing articles, creating graphics, etc. regularly, but it can be challenging.
When it comes to creating your content, do you ever find yourself sitting at your computer and staring at a blank screen? You get side-tracked on social media and before you know it, you’ve been sitting there for an hour and still nothing.
Although it’s best to plan your marketing in advance so you know what to create and when – but in reality, that doesn’t always happen! Sometimes you need to create content on the go, so here are my go-to sources for marketing inspiration when I need ideas.
This works whether you write, or create videos, social updates, podcasts – basically any marketing that provides helpful information for your ideal clients.
#1 Client Questions
Make a note of the questions you get asked on a regular basis and answer them in your marketing. Questions are a great way of generating relevant content for your audience. If you’re being asked, you can guarantee Google is being searched for the same terms.
#2 Share Your Stories
Tell your personal stories and allow people little insights into your world. You don’t have to share everything, and some things are meant to stay private, but people want to get to know you, and telling stories is an incredibly powerful way to do this.
#3 Books
I read a lot and often fold the corner of a page where there’s a brilliant insight or something that I can use to generate content for my audience. I’ll often start a post by sharing I’d been inspired by reading a book and name it and the author. You could also do a book review if you’ve recently read something you think would be great for your favourite clients.
#4 Social Media
Look for a quote or infographic that prompts you to write about the topic. Use it as inspiration and create your piece from your own perspective on the idea, adding in your own experience and knowledge.
#5 Emails
Keep a reference folder of interesting emails. They’ll be from different people and businesses, but the common thing is, that they all contain a snippet of information that’s sparked your interest. Use these to spark an idea and see how it evolves as you tailor it to yourself and your audience.
#6 Reviews and Comparisons
People love a review. How often do you look at the reviews on something before you decide to buy? You can review your favourite products and services and provide comparisons to the other options available.
#7 Facebook Groups
These are great places to find ideas or ask for inspiration. Look at the different topics being discussed, find one you have an opinion on and would be interesting to your clients, and use that for inspiration.
If you’re in groups full of your ideal clients, look at the questions they’re asking and answer them in your own content.
#8 Client Stories
People buy people and there is nothing more powerful than the personal stories of your clients. These demonstrate their journey and how life has changed for them since working with you. Ask clients for their stories or interview them and record or write these stories for your marketing.
#9 News
What’s happening in the news that you can discuss from your perspective, your clients' perspectives, and the services you offer?
#10 Awareness Dates
Awareness dates are a brilliant way to inspire your marketing and help you reach a wider audience by using the associated hashtags - and there are thousands to choose from, in health and wellbeing.
#11 AI
Love it or hate it, AI is here to stay! AI is a great source of inspiration if you’re stuck for ideas. You need to brief it on who you are, what you do, who you help, and what you’re looking for, but it can come up with a host of ideas for you to create your marketing content on.
Inspiration is all around you! You just need to have it on your radar and start noticing what you could use. Start a list in one place to capture your ideas and the things that inspire you. Then when you come to create your marketing, you won’t be staring at a blank screen.