7 Myths About Building a Successful Holistic Business
Apr 25, 2024
There are loads of myths about what it takes to be a successful practitioner. Many of which will keep you stuck - sometimes for years! Here are some of the common ones:
Myth #1: Once Qualified, Clients will Come
Wouldn’t this be wonderful?! Unfortunately, it’s a long way from the reality of building a thriving, sustainable holistic business.
You must let people know you exist, and how you can help them, and you do this by learning how to market yourself and make offers effectively.
Myth #2: If I do Another Course/Qualification, Clients will Come
This is a huge way of procrastinating. No matter how much you learn, there will always be more to know – another course or qualification won’t help you find clients.
Start where you are and do the best with what you have. You can always add to your knowledge in the future, but you must get started, and finding paying clients is your priority if you want to thrive.
Myth #3: The Universe will Answer
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? I do, but I also believe you must make it happen, you can’t just sit back and wait. Absolutely, set your intentions with the Universe and demonstrate just how serious you are with the action you take.
Myth #4: It’s Impossible to be Successful
This is a big one for many practitioners. You’re qualified, you do amazing work but you’re still scraping around trying to find clients.
Yes, it’s hard work to be successful and have a sustainable business, but it’s certainly not impossible. Look around at some of the amazing people you follow to see what’s possible with the right focus.
Myth #5: The Magic Formula
There are many people out there pedaling their system or formula as the answer. Unfortunately, there is no ‘one size fits all' solution that works for everyone.
How you market yourself will be different depending on you, your clients, your resources, and the stage you’re at in your business.
You have to find your own recipe to build your business on your terms. Start by having good foundations in place and keep things simple when it comes to your marketing.
Myth #6: I Can Do Everything Myself
As with every small business owner, you wear a lot of hats. Whilst you may be able to fumble your way through all sorts of jobs, there’s a lot that you shouldn’t be doing.
When you start out, you do more than you should because you don’t necessarily have the budget to get help. As you grow, your time is your biggest asset and there will be certain tasks only you can do. There will also be lots of tasks you should be outsourcing to professional services.
Practitioners often shy away from using marketers but think about this. If you’re a medical herbalist, why would a client come to you instead of visiting Holland and Barret? Because they will get superior healthcare, knowledge, and service. So why would you design your own leaflet instead of hiring a graphic designer once you can afford it?
Myth #7: I Don’t Need Support
This is one where I’ve struggled in the past. I’m independent and prone to digging deep and battling through challenges. I quickly realised working solo, I was too close to what I was doing and made some pretty costly mistakes along the way. I now have my team of supporters including my coach, business mastermind group, and business buddy who all help keep me focused and moving forward.
Make sure you have a team of supporters available to call on, working as a practitioner can be a lonely journey and you need help to thrive.