9 Signs You Need Support to Succeed
Dec 21, 2023
Are you trying to do everything yourself in your holistic business? Working on your own can be tough and there will be times when you struggle - when there's no one to bounce ideas off, provide feedback, or keep you going when you really want to run and hide.
Recognising when you need support is key to you thriving as a holistic practitioner - here are 9 signs that show you need support to succeed:
#1 Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed
If you find yourself constantly facing challenges or feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list of running your holistic business, you need help to gain clarity, set priorities, and develop strategies to overcome any obstacles.
There have been numerous times over the years when I haven’t known which way to turn, or what to do first. I used to think I should be able to figure it out for myself, but I often got in my own way because I was too close to what I was doing. I wasted far too much time and too many opportunities staying stuck.
#2 Lack of Direction
If you're unsure about the direction you want your holistic business to go in, or you're struggling to identify the steps required to move your business forward, you need support. This could be to uncover your vision, or assistance to create a plan of action that will move you towards your goals for your business.
I’ve always loved a plan but my early ones for my business were very ‘corporate’ and didn’t really allow for the flow I wanted in my work. When I created my vision, it changed everything as I then had a compass to help me make good decisions and ensure I was continuously going in the right direction.
#3 Limited Business Experience
If you’re new to running your own business or lack experience in certain areas of business, you need help from others who can offer valuable insights, share their expertise, and help you navigate through unfamiliar territory.
I had years of experience working in marketing, but it was a baptism of fire when I discovered just how many hats I needed to wear as a small business owner. And scary to recognise how much I didn't know!
#4 Need for Accountability
If you find it challenging to stay focused, motivated, or disciplined in managing your business, you need accountability to help you stay on track and succeed.
I put off getting support for years – as a professional marketer and mindset expert, surely, I could keep myself accountable??!! Well yes and no! I could but it was often a struggle to keep motivated and focused and ensure I worked on the right things at the right time.
#5 Lack of Confidence
Running a small business is a rollercoaster ride and probably the biggest personal development exercise you will ever undertake. You need to work on your mindset and build your confidence, as much as you need to learn the skills required to run your business.
When I started my business, whilst I had many of the business and marketing skills needed - I’d always worked behind the scenes, shining the spotlight on others. I found the idea of me being visible terrifying and had to work hard to step out of my own shadow.
#6 Need Feedback
If you’re questioning areas of your business such as your decisions, your chosen strategies, your marketing activities, etc., you need someone you trust to provide constructive feedback, challenge your thinking, and offer alternative perspectives to help you improve and move forward.
When I last updated my website, a business buddy and I spent a couple of hours feeding back on each other’s websites. Whilst it’s very easy to be objective about what others do, I had my own blind spots and having written and built my website, I was too close to it. This collaborative exercise gave me a totally new perspective on how my website actually functioned when people visited it.
#7 Need to Build Your Network
If you're looking to expand your network, build relationships, or seek collaboration opportunities, you need aligned professionals within the holistic health space to build strong connections with.
Having a brilliant network of aligned business owners has led to opportunities I would have struggled to get on my own. I have been recommended to new clients and doors have been opened to write a book, run courses, and provide me with speaking opportunities.
#8 Struggling with Work-Life Balance
If you find it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance, you need help to establish boundaries, work effectively in the time you have, and develop a sustainable business that gives you the space to look after your health and well-being.
This is one area I've struggled with - especially as I love what I do, and it doesn’t really feel like work. But I’m aware that’s not healthy for me (or my social life) and I need to make quality time for people and things outside of my little office at the end of the garden.
#9 Feeling Lonely
Running your own business can be a lonely journey and often family and friends don’t understand the challenges you face. You need a great support network that understands what you do and gets what it is to be in business. Those who are there to celebrate the highs with you, and still there to support you when times are tough without judgment or criticism.
In the early days of my business, I often felt my work wasn’t taken as seriously as those with a ‘proper job’, and like I wasn't understood felt very isolating at times. Add that to having always worked in a team of people, I missed the social aspect of working with others, I often felt lonely.
Your Support Network
There are many ways to build a great support network for your business including teaming up with a business buddy to support each other, hiring a coach-mentor who has walked in your shoes, or joining a small business mastermind to provide a community of support.
It took me time to realise I need help in my business and it’s something I wish I’d done earlier. I find the feedback, accountability, and community support I receive invaluable and it certainly makes the rollercoaster ride of being in business, fun as well as helping me succeed. I have all the above suggestions in place to support me and my business and they're key to helping me create my version of success.
Feeling overwhelmed with your business and marketing? Let’s turn the chaos into calm together. I’ll help you clarify your best next steps and explore the right support for you. Book a call today and take the first step towards a business and marketing that feels authentic, simple, and effective.