Creating a Positive Money Mindset

business ethical business mindset money mindset resilience Sep 21, 2023
Decorative - Creating a Positive Money Mindset

It’s incredible how emotive the subject of money is amongst holistic practitioners. Love it or hate it, money is the basis of our day-to-day transactions – it is the way the world operates.

How about considering money as energy? It flows into and through your holistic business and provides you with choices.

You have a relationship with money, and the same as with any relationship, you must give it attention and treat it with respect if you want it to thrive.

And if you want to make more money in your business, you must get past any mindset blocks that are sabotaging your success.

Stories About Money

You grow up surrounded by stories about money from your family and culture. What ones do you still tell yourself? Some of the common ones you may recognise are:

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.
  • Women earn less than men.
  • Rich people are greedy.
  • Money is dirty.
  • I’m bad with money.
  • I can’t stick to a budget.
  • I'm not capable of running a successful business

And it’s not just the stories you hear growing up, there are the ones you pick up from your peers such as:

  • It’s not possible to make a living as a practitioner.
  • There isn’t enough work for everyone.
  • People won’t pay for their health care.

Whatever the stories you find yourself saying that aren’t positive and supportive of you making a good living as a holistic practitioner, will keep you stuck in a negative money mindset.

What stories are you telling yourself?


Our beliefs are simply opinions we have that help us make sense of the world. We create our beliefs based on our experience and store them as our personal facts, but they are really just opinions. A fact is something documented that you can research and validate.

Beliefs are powerful and can affect everything in your life from how successful you are to your health. Consider the power of the placebo – a medicine that has no medicinal value but can create incredible changes in your body based on your belief of what will happen.

The stories you tell yourself about money are an insight into your money beliefs. These stories are just thoughts, but they affect how you feel, and this in turn affects your behaviour towards money and ultimately the actions you take. If your beliefs aren’t useful, you need to change them.

4 Steps to Change Your Money Beliefs:

Step 1: Awareness

Think about the beliefs you have around money in your business - how they are affecting your success?

What is the benefit of keeping these beliefs alive? Asking yourself this may come up with some surprising answers. On the surface, you may think there are none but dig a little deeper and you will find a positive intention. Is it keeping you safe and hidden from the world? Does it mean you don’t have to make yourself visible? Does it keep the balance of a relationship the same?

Decide if this belief is useful and helping you build a successful business, or is it time to let it go?

Step 2: Choice

The good news is you can choose what you want to believe. What new belief would be useful and help you to succeed as a holistic practitioner? Write down the new belief you want to adopt using positive language.

Spend a little time thinking about how different your business would be with this new belief. How are you working with clients? How do you feel about your business? What are the rewards of having money flowing into your business? How will you be supporting other businesses and causes now you have money?

How does this new belief feel? Is it the right choice to help you succeed?

Step 3: Change

This is where you need to be aware of your thoughts and how often you hear the stories which underpin the old, limiting belief. From now on, every time you hear an old story, simply say "stop" or "no" to yourself to interrupt it.

Consciously change the story to your new positive belief.

Reinforce the new belief by surrounding yourself with evidence to support it. You can use examples from your personal experience, or from others you admire – it’s about recognising the potential for change.

A few ideas include:

  • Displaying affirmations or positive quotes.
  • Images that represent the new belief or the outcome of having it.
  • Photos of times you achieved something that demonstrates the possibility to do it again.
  • Photos or stories of someone who achieved what you want to.

Step 4: Plan of Action

What do you need to do, to move you towards this new belief? Consider the steps you need to take that will help you make this new belief a reality. Now make a commitment to yourself to take the first step and start moving to your new, successful future.

If you have a preferred way of addressing any limiting beliefs you have such as EFT, use that, but do the work.

Creating a positive money mindset will help you to succeed as a holistic practitioner, and that starts with your beliefs. They directly affect your relationship with money and by addressing them, you will start to feel positive and start creating the behaviours and actions that will help you succeed. If you just try and change your actions, you’ll end up fighting yourself and making money in your business will continue to be a battle.

Feeling overwhelmed with your business and marketing? Let’s turn the chaos into calm together. I’ll help you clarify your best next steps and explore the right support for you. Book a call today and take the first step towards a business and marketing that feels authentic, simple, and effective.

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