How to Market Yourself Confidently
Jun 06, 2024
How confident do you feel about marketing yourself as a holistic practitioner? If you struggle to be visible, you’re not alone. I often hear holistic practitioners saying things like, “I’m just not good at marketing” or, “I don’t have anything of value to share”.
The problem is, if you’re not marketing yourself, you’re struggling to find clients and build a viable business.
Confidence isn’t about shouting the loudest, it’s about trusting yourself, appreciating your strengths and qualities, and sharing them with your audience.
Building your confidence will help you accept yourself, including your quirks – they’re what make you human. People don’t connect with perfect; they connect with other people, and this is what attracts your clients to you. Learning to celebrate your own uniqueness may feel vulnerable, but it will help you to market yourself in a way that is unique and authentic to you.
When we don’t feel confident in ourselves, it gets in the way of us being visible and sharing our work with the world. Here are some mindset and practical tips to help you build your confidence to market yourself.
Notice the Stories You’re Telling Yourself
Start by noticing what your inner voice is saying to you. What stories are you telling yourself about your marketing, being visible, and your confidence?
You may find you’re worrying about what people will think. Or you’re questioning your skills or experience. Whatever it is, recognise that it’s just a thought that’s trying to keep you safe in your comfort zone, and away from anything scary – like marketing.
Change the Story
You need to change the story you’re telling yourself and start creating a more useful dialogue. Brené Brown is a great advocate for authentic confidence, and she is an amazing example of showing up in the world as herself.
She uses the phrase “I see you, I hear you but I’m going to show up anyway.” It’s empowering to notice the fear and tell yourself “I’m going to do this anyway”. This is recognising the fear for what it is. Rather than allowing the fear to keep you playing small, you can acknowledge it and decide how you will act instead.
Use this phrase next time fears and worries are getting in your way of marketing yourself.
Connect to Your Qualities
Confidence is about trusting your personal strengths so the route to building your confidence is by connecting to those qualities. Think about the last time you felt proud of yourself, what were you doing? How did it feel?
If you need inspiration, read the testimonials from your happy clients. Spend time connecting with the experience and enjoy the feeling of pride and confidence. Practice these and anytime you feel wobbly about your confidence, immerse yourself in these feelings.
Your Marketing is for Your Audience
When you’re worrying about what people think, your focus is on yourself, and how you’re feeling. You want your marketing to focus on your audience and helping them so it’s less about you and more about your clients and prospective clients.
When you think about your favourite client - who are they? How do they feel? What are they struggling with? Move your focus onto what they need to hear from you, and it will help you show up for them in a confident way.
Play to Your Communication Strengths
If you’re trying to market yourself in the same way as all of your peers and you’re struggling, you’re probably not playing to your strengths. Review the marketing activities that you do and make sure they are chosen based on your communication strengths. The more you work to your strengths, the more your marketing will flow easily, and you never know, you could even have fun in the process.
This blog will talk you through how to market yourself to your strengths.
Have a Simple Plan
Knowing what you’re doing in advance is a great way to take the pressure off yourself and show up confidently. Create your personalised recipe for your marketing, one that’s based on you, your strengths, your available time, and resources and you will be able to show up confidently in your marketing.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Think of your journey to becoming a practitioner, you didn't start with all the tools and knowledge you have now - you had to practice. What was once something you had to work at, becomes easier and easier until it's second nature.
This is the same with building your confidence in your marketing - practice will make your marketing easier and build your confidence at the same time. Give yourself permission to be a beginner to start with - we all are! But, you have to start to get better and with that, your confidence will build.
As humans, we’re never 100% ready for anything. Fears and worries are normal experiences, especially when you start to become visible in your marketing.