How to Show Your Holistic Business Some Love

business content marketing ethical business ethical marketing finding clients marketing planning Feb 08, 2024
How to Show Your Holistic Business Some Love

Valentine’s is coming up fast, so it’s a great opportunity to show your holistic business some love and give it a boost. And why leave it to this time of year, sprinkle your business with love all year round – it will thank you for it!

Here are a few ideas – pick a couple that need attention in your business and focus on them.

Loving Yourself

You are your business, and you must look after yourself. Without you, there is no business so look at how you’re looking after yourself and prioritise the time needed that will help you flourish and be the best practitioner you can be.

Look at what’s missing from your life – do you need more time off, more time in nature, more sleep, more fun, more connection? Decide how you can bring more of what’s missing into your week and both you and your business will reap the benefits.

Find Your Cheerleaders

Being in business can be lonely and the biggest personal development exercise you will ever do. It’s important to surround yourself with the right people who will be there to support you through the challenges, bounce ideas off, and be there to celebrate all your wins.

These are the cheerleaders I use in my business:

Business buddy – someone who is at a similar business stage to you and understands what you do. You have a mutually beneficial relationship where you support each other and help to keep each other accountable.

Mastermind group – this can be a paid group led by a coach or industry expert, or an unpaid peer group. Either way, they’re designed to support and provide you with access to a hive mind to problem-solve and bounce ideas around with you.

Coach-mentor – they will support and guide you to achieve your goals for your business and decide the strategies and plans that are right for you.

Loving Your Clients

Is there more you can do to make their experience of working with you the best it can be? There are simple ways you can improve their experience even if you don't have a big budget. A thoughtful and appropriate gift such as a meditation download or food diary is a little extra that helps make people feel special. Happy clients will turn into your best marketers and recommend to you which is the best way to find clients.

Check in with former clients – drop them a message, email, or phone call (however you would normally communicate) to see how they’re getting on. It shows you’re thinking about them and care. It’s also a great way to remind people you’re there to help them should they need it.

Review your client journey – look for anything that can run smoother from finding you, to responding to messages and booking, to the comfort of your environment and remove any points of friction. The better someone’s experience is of working with you, the happier they will be.

Send a handwritten card - this will help you to stand out in today’s noisy online world. It’s just letting your clients know you appreciate them and not a sales pitch, and it can be done at any time of the year.

Loving Your Marketing

Ask happy clients for testimonials - sprinkle the great feedback across your website, social media, and other marketing materials. You may be the best at what you do, and share your message effectively, but people believe reviews. So, the more testimonials and online reviews you have, the better.

Refresh your profiles on your social media platforms and throughout your marketing and make sure they’re all up to date with an up-to-date photo.

Get social on social media - interacting with other people and sharing their posts will then invite them to want to interact with you and your accounts. Make sure you’re available to respond to messages and comments to build those relationships and as a side note – remember not to identify any clients without specific permission as you’ll be breaking GDPR rules.

Review and refresh your website – your website is your online home and reflects you and your brand, so it needs to be kept up to date. Have you been neglecting it and it needs a refresh or new content? Is it easy for a visitor to navigate? Do people understand what you want them to do?

Get involved in your local community – this will help to raise your profile locally and is especially important if you have a local business. Even if it’s getting involved in local projects that have nothing to do with your business, take the opportunity to widen your network, chat with people, and let them know what you do in the process.

Create a Valentine’s offer – what could you offer as a gift for those looking for an alternative to flowers and chocolates? Think about what would be appropriate for your clients, and your discipline, e.g., vouchers for a treatment, a gift box of skincare products, personalised recipes, etc.

Loving Your Holistic Business

Create systems – a good system can save you a huge amount of time and ultimately money each week. Think about the areas of your business that you repeat regularly, find difficult or boring, or get left to the last minute. Consider - do you need to do it or is it something you should outsource? If not, is there a better way to do it?

Systems can be as simple as having a checklist for tasks you repeat so you don’t miss anything or have to think about the steps, or having email templates you can copy to save you from starting from scratch each time. Think about what would work for you and keep it simple as you’re more likely to stick to it.

Check-in on your plans – your plans aren’t something you set at the start of the year and then look at them after 12 months – they evolve as you do. Your plans will help to keep you moving in the right direction and making the right decisions and are there to keep you on track. 

There are lots of ways to show your holistic business some love. Don’t try and do everything, pick one or two that will make the most difference to you and your business and focus on those.

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