How to Use Awareness Dates in Your Holistic Business
Jan 19, 2023
If you struggle at times to find inspiration for your marketing, awareness dates can help you.
What are Awareness Dates?
Awareness dates can be days, weeks or months and they’re often set up by charities and businesses to highlight different missions or topics. You can find dates relating to any topic from those drawing attention to serious causes to ones set up for lighthearted fun.
Why Should I use Awareness Dates?
They're a great tool to inspire your marketing from creating content, and sending out press releases, to launching new services. They’re also useful to join in conversations whether that’s around your work or personal topics. You can use them to share your opinions and give people an insight into you and your values.
How to Use Awareness Dates
Awareness dates are best used as inspiration to share your own stories whether they’re personal or business ones. Find ones that you have an opinion on and can share value, or ones that invite discussion with your audience.
If you don’t have suitable stories, you can use awareness dates to inspire conversations by asking questions about the topic.
Research suitable dates and plan when you will use them. But don’t just schedule them and leave them, be mindful of what else is happening in the news so you’re not posting something inappropriate on a day of a major tragedy.
If you’re using the dates on social media, use the relevant hashtag so that others can see and interact with your posts.
Awareness dates are great for sprinkling throughout your marketing, just don’t go mad with them - limit yourself to a couple a month and mix them in with your other content.
How to Find Awareness Dates
There are different ways to find awareness dates - here are my favourites:
- Buy yourself a social media content planner
- Google awareness dates and you’ll discover numerous websites that collate them.
Random Acts of Kindness (17 February) – ask your audience “what was the last random act of kindness you received?”
Tick Bite Prevention Week (22-28 March) – someone who helps people with Lymes Disease could share client success stories to press outlets or promote relevant products or services.
Aromatherapy Awareness Week (6-12 June) – if you use oils in your approach, share personal and client stories, run talks or launch new offers.
Bring Your Dog to Work Day (23 June) – share a photo of your dog in the office and ask your audience to share photos of their dogs at work.
World Menopause Day (18 October) – share personal and client stories or your top tips on dealing with symptoms.
Awareness dates are a great source of inspiration for your marketing and next time you need some ideas, check out the dates coming up.