To thrive, you have to let people know that you have a solution for their problems. This is why...
Do you have a clear vision for your business? If you do, have you revisited it recently?
What is...
Are you trying to do everything yourself in your holistic business? Working on your own...
Running a business is the biggest personal development exercise ever. One minute you’re on...
Time is our most precious resource, so why waste it on tasks that don’t bring you joy?
Do you find yourself procrastinating about doing your marketing?
You’re not alone –...
There are times when you feel lost in your holistic business - it's part of the ...
I love the description of being stuck in the ‘messy middle’, it really resonates with...
Adding workshops, courses and programmes to your offers is a great way to introduce extra income...
Keeping things simple is challenging when you get caught up listening to all the life and...
Many holistic practitioners want to help everyone. The idea of saying no to someone can seem...
Does it feel like you blinked and suddenly you’re halfway through the year – again?