If you want to be happy in your business, you must enjoy working with your clients and helping...
Having a clear marketing message makes it easy for people to understand who you help and how you...
How do you feel about speaking to promote your holistic business?
Speaking is one of the best...
whatever the service or results you offer your clients, you’re also selling an experience....
Your bio is a summary of who you are and what you do. As a holistic practitioner, your bio will...
Valentine’s is coming up fast, so it’s a great opportunity to show your holistic...
Your network is where hidden opportunities wait quietly for you. It has the potential to open...
I’m often asked how much time my clients should spend on their marketing and it’s...
It can be lonely working on your own as a holistic practitioner. You get to work with clients,...
Marketing is key to successfully finding clients and thriving as a holistic practitioner....
After the last few years, we need community now more than ever! Isolation and loneliness doesn't...
When was the last time you properly looked at your About page? If you’re like most holistic...