Having a plan for the year ahead will help you focus your efforts and make better decisions in your ...
We blinked, and another year has flown by!
Have you achieved what you set out to in your business t...
Mastermind groups are a powerful way to gain support while running your business. I’ve been part of ...
Taking a well-deserved Christmas break doesn't mean your marketing or business must come to a comple...
It’s hard enough to market your small business without constant distractions from “experts” encourag...
Money is an interesting topic for many holistic practitioners – some are comfortable with earning a ...
Practical tips to help holistic practitioners grow their local business
Do you love working in pers...
Pricing is an emotive topic for practitioners. Too many under-price their services so they’re not ab...
Recycling is crucial to reducing waste and protecting the environment. But did you know you can recy...
The “why?” question is one parents are very familiar with. A child will ask why to help them underst...
Stands are a great marketing option for holistic practitioners any time of the year, but winter and ...
It’s hard to believe we’re in the last quarter of the year, and Christmas is creeping up fast. Is yo...