Clients and prospective clients are at different stages of being ready to work with you. You need to...
Waiting for something to happen is a great way of procrastinating and keeping yourself stuck. Then, ...
Have you set up your Google Business Profile (GBP)? If not, you’re missing a trick - a Google Busine...
Sales conversations are something many holistic practitioners struggle with. They often feel sleazy ...
Keeping things simple is challenging when you get caught up listening to all the life and business e...
Many holistic practitioners want to help everyone. The idea of saying no to someone can seem dauntin...
Does it feel like you blinked and suddenly you’re halfway through the year – again?
Before you knew...
We are creatures of habit and there is comfort in the known. We feel safe when we’re hiding in our ...
For me, simplifying things often means I need to let go of something.
Over recent months, I’ve gott...
Whilst the best practice is to consistently review and adapt your holistic business, it’s particular...
As practitioners, our relationship with our clients plays a crucial role in their journey to health ...
Online marketers often use polls and surveys to help them engage with their audience. Polls tend to ...