Business cards often get shunned in today’s digital world, but they are still a powerful...
Handwritten notes and cards are amazing marketing tools for your holistic business. They may be...
Clients and prospective clients are at different stages of being ready to work with you. You need...
Have you set up your Google Business Profile (GBP)? If not, you’re missing a trick - a...
Sales conversations are something many holistic practitioners struggle with. They often feel...
We are creatures of habit and there is comfort in the known. We feel safe when we’re...
Whilst the best practice is to consistently review and adapt your holistic business, it’s...
Online marketers often use polls and surveys to help them engage with their audience. Polls tend...
If you want to build your local client base, a stand is a great way to build your profile and...
Do you find yourself bouncing around from one marketing activity to another?
Maybe you find...
I love marketing and I can happily spend hours creating images, writing articles, and producing...
Creating a simple overview for your holistic business will help you start the new year...